Conduct Date
They will be announced soon on our website.
Duration of Training
14 hours
08:30 - 16:45
Go For It Centre Ltd. (ΔΕΚ 193)
Right to participate
€390 + VAT (€74.10), Grant from ANAD €238, Final cost €152 + VAT (€74.10)
Training Need
There is a need to inform, educate and train the managers who are charged with the responsibility of selecting and evaluating staff for recruitment to permanent positions in the organization, regarding the importance of selecting the most competent people for the appropriate position, depending on their capabilities.
Training Objectives
At the end of the programme it is expected that participants will be able to undertake and manage the selection processes for a specific position, according to the needs of the company or organisation.
At knowledge level
Become familiar with the concepts of "harassment" and "sexual harassment".
Gain knowledge of the protection provided by current legislation against behaviour that may constitute sexual harassment or harassment.
To be made aware of their rights whenever they may be subjected to harassment or sexual harassment.
At skills level
carry out the instructions of the Directorate in relation to the recruitment process
explain to candidates what they expect as a result of the interview process
develop their own techniques,
select and collect by various methods information concerning candidates for a job vacancy,
justify, on the basis of the information in their possession, the choice of the person considered most suitable
organise a proper system of assessment of candidates after recruitment and during the 6-month probationary period in order to confirm the correct selection and integration of the staff member into the permanent staff of the organisation
At the attitudinal level
justify their decisions
encourage candidates to present themselves as well as possible to facilitate the selection process.
cooperate with the other departments involved in the recruitment process for the organisation.
Description of candidates for participation
The programme is aimed at Site Managers, Department Heads, Team Leaders, Management Representatives, Site Administrative Officers and Project Engineers.
Αναφέρεται :
Σε όλα τα μεσαία και ανώτερα διευθυντικά στελέχη, που προΐστανται ομάδων προσωπικού.
Νομικούς Συμβούλους, Υπεύθυνους Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Αντιπροσώπους Διοίκησης σε Θέματα ΙSO, Αξιωματικούς και Μέλη Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας.
Υπεύθυνους Προσωπικών Δεδομένων DPO, Προϊσταμένους ομάδων εκτέλεσης εργασιών.
Σε Υπεύθυνους Τμημάτων Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, και Υπεύθυνους Λειτουργούς Ασφάλειας και Υγείας.
Συνδικαλιστικούς Αντιπροσώπους.
Μέλη Επιτροπών Ασφαλείας και Ισότητας.
Training Methods
The Programme is conducted in the form of a lecture and at the same time dialogue and discussion are encouraged. During the seminar, workshops are carried out, and exercises are solved for a better understanding of the theoretical part of the programme, examples are given and role-playing takes place. Modern audio-visual aids such as Multimedia Projector, Projection Screen, Computer, Paper Board, Markers, Graphics and Worksheets are also used for better education and training of the participants. Each trainee is also given/sent notes in electronic format on the seminar topics.
Data Retention & Evaluation System
The electronic attendance register used by ANAD will be kept. At the end of the programme the trainees will be given an evaluation form of the programme and the trainer(s) which will also show the degree of implementation of the programme.
Trainer Description
Rodoula Philippou
Mrs.Rodoula Filippou holds a Bachelor of Political Science & Public Administration from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and also a second Bachelor of Law in General Law from the University of Nicosia. He is engaged in the field of Consultancy Services in General Health and Safety Issues as well as other Legal Issues of Labour Law and Personal Data Protection. He has over 1600 hours of staff training in similar programs.