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The Leader owns the Vision, the Director
owns the Project.

Program Duration: 7 hours 

Modern businesses seek to have at the helm of management leaders with insight, and managers with the ability to turn their plan into action with determination and drive. This seminar identifies the characteristics that distinguish the two and defines their role in an ever-evolving business.

Conduct Date
They will be announced soon on our website. 
Duration of Training
7 hours
08:30 – 16:45
Go For It Centre Ltd. (ΔΕΚ 193), Nicosia
Right to participate
€270 + VAT (€51.30), Grant from ANAD €119, Final cost €151 + VAT (€51.30)
Training Need

There is a need to educate participants on the difference between Management and Leadership although it is generally understood, it seems that the modern Director / SME Owner or Department Head does not sufficiently distinguish in practice between the two functions with the main misunderstanding in the practical applications of Leadership. The purpose of this project is to dispel to the greatest extent possible this confusion that affects the proper performance of his/her duties and ultimately his/her effectiveness in the team/company since his/her behaviors with the staff lack the important functions and gifts of a leader such as for example, Inspirer, Leader, Coordinator, Mentor and Motivator.

Training Objectives

After completing the programme, the trainees will be able to:

Pointing Pen and Finger on Document
At knowledge level
  1. Understand the difference between Leader - Manager / Supervisor

  2. Understand the Participative Style of Management in relation to Leadership

  3. Understand the Ways of Proper Delegation and Assumption of Responsibility as a Leader

At skills level
  1. Improve analytical awareness of Good Leadership tools

  2. Rationalize the way of allocating responsibilities and tasks to achieve the goal

  3. Improve the Ways of Guiding, Inspiring and Supporting the Team by the Leader

At the attitudinal level
  1. Acquire the Leadership Skills of Team Coordination in times of crisis that will lead them to increase the effectiveness of themselves and their subordinates

  2. Adopt Leadership principles in their daily life for better individual and corporate results.

Description of candidates for participation

The program is intended for Directors and/or Department Heads of Small & Medium-sized Companies, as well as District Managers and Team Leaders who need to exercise their leadership skills to achieve departmental or overall company goals through their staff. This programme is also suitable for managers who may be promoted to senior management positions.

Αναφέρεται :

  • Σε όλα τα μεσαία και ανώτερα διευθυντικά στελέχη, που προΐστανται ομάδων προσωπικού.

  • Νομικούς Συμβούλους, Υπεύθυνους Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Αντιπροσώπους Διοίκησης σε Θέματα ΙSO, Αξιωματικούς και Μέλη Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας.

  • Υπεύθυνους Προσωπικών Δεδομένων DPO, Προϊσταμένους ομάδων εκτέλεσης εργασιών.

  • Σε Υπεύθυνους Τμημάτων Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, και Υπεύθυνους Λειτουργούς Ασφάλειας και Υγείας.

  • Συνδικαλιστικούς Αντιπροσώπους.

  • Μέλη Επιτροπών Ασφαλείας και Ισότητας.

Training Methods

The Programme is conducted in the form of a lecture and at the same time dialogue and discussion are encouraged. During the seminar, workshops and exercises are carried out for a better understanding of the theoretical part of the programme, examples are given and role-playing takes place. Modern audio-visual aids such as Multimedia Projector, Projection Screen, Computer, Blackboard, Markers, Graphics and Worksheets are also used for better education and training of the participants. Each trainee is also given/sent notes in electronic format on the seminar topics.

Data Retention & Evaluation System 

The electronic attendance register used by the ANAD will be maintained and the instructor will be responsible for keeping it.

At the end of the programme, the trainees will be given an evaluation form for the programme and the trainer(s), which will also show the degree of implementation of the programme

Trainer Description
Rodoula Philippou

Mrs. Rodoula Philippou holds a Bachelor of Political Science & Public Administration from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, and also holds a second Bachelor of Law and other relevant Diplomas and Professional Training Certificates. In recent years he has been working in the field of Education and Consulting Services, with many years of experience in the field of Personnel Management, Labour Relations, General Issues of Health and Safety in the Workplace, Personal Data Protection and other issues of a legal nature.

She is a Certified Vocational Training Instructor - Level 5 by ANAD from 2021. She has more than 1600 hours of staff training in similar training programs.

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