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The Contribution of Good Menu Planning
to the Profitability of the Business

Program Duration: 9 hours 

The aim of the seminar is to help them to plan, cost and price their restaurant's menu in order to increase their sales.

Conduct Date
They will be announced soon on our website. 
Duration of Training
9 hours - 2 meetings 08:30 - 13:15
Go For It Centre Ltd. (ΔΕΚ 193), Nicosia
Right to participate
€300 + VAT (€57), Grant from ANAD €108, Final cost €192 + VAT (€57)
Training Need

Good design of a restaurant menu is very important in attracting and satisfying visiting customers, making it easier for guests to decide what they will prefer. But very importantly a well designed menu, properly costed and priced that works in the best interest of the business on the one hand to ensure Profitability and on the other hand to drastically reduce waste so that the restaurant can operate efficiently.

Training Objectives

After completing the programme, the trainees will be able to:

At knowledge level
  1. Recognise the preferences of visitors

  2. Define what a menu is

  3. Become familiar with the imperative of zero waste

  4. Na gain knowledge of correct costing and pricing

  5. To be able to indicate how a correctly designed menu affects sales and profits in every respect

  6. Recognise the importance of presenting the menu to customers

  7. Select the necessary information to be included in a menu

  8. State the main features of the menu

  9. Participate in training groups on the practical application of zero waste

At skills level
  1. Identify the profile of the business

  2. Select the right personnel

  3. Determine the target audience

  4. Determine the quality criteria for the quality of the service offered

  5. Select the dishes according to the profile of the business

  6. Use appropriate formatting colours/photos/grammar

  7. Apply labelling legislation

  8. Promote 'chef's suggestions' in the right way

  9. Use the menu as one of the important tools of their work

  10. To use good communication methods to be able to manage special cases of visitors.

  11. Select appropriate equipment and furnishings

  12. To select the correct and appropriate materials at the appropriate price and in the necessary quantities

  13. To successfully carry out the order taking process

  14. To implement the restaurant's policy

  15. To resolve any problems that may arise e.g. sudden shortage of a material , any time delay etc.

At the attitudinal level
  1. Promote the menu correctly

  2. Adapt to the menu data

  3. Adopt good menu usage practices

  4. Appreciate the contribution of the menu to the success, sustainability and profitability of the business

Description of candidates for participation

The programme is addressed to restaurant managers, managers of the "salon", cooks, restaurant owners, purchasing managers.

Αναφέρεται :

  • Σε όλα τα μεσαία και ανώτερα διευθυντικά στελέχη, που προΐστανται ομάδων προσωπικού.

  • Νομικούς Συμβούλους, Υπεύθυνους Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Αντιπροσώπους Διοίκησης σε Θέματα ΙSO, Αξιωματικούς και Μέλη Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας.

  • Υπεύθυνους Προσωπικών Δεδομένων DPO, Προϊσταμένους ομάδων εκτέλεσης εργασιών.

  • Σε Υπεύθυνους Τμημάτων Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, και Υπεύθυνους Λειτουργούς Ασφάλειας και Υγείας.

  • Συνδικαλιστικούς Αντιπροσώπους.

  • Μέλη Επιτροπών Ασφαλείας και Ισότητας.

Training Methods

The Programme is conducted in the form of a lecture and at the same time dialogue and discussion are encouraged. During the seminar, workshops and exercises are carried out for a better understanding of the theoretical part of the programme, examples are given and role-playing takes place. Modern audio-visual aids such as Multimedia Projector, Projection Screen, Computer, Paper Board, Markers, Graphics and Worksheets are also used for better education and training of the participants. Each trainee is also given/sent notes in electronic format (as per preference) on the seminar topics.

Data Retention & Evaluation System 

The electronic attendance register used by the ANAD will be maintained and the instructor will be responsible for keeping it.

At the end of the programme, the trainees will be given an evaluation form of the programme and the trainer(s), which will also show the degree of implementation of the programme.

Trainer Description
Fanos Leventis

Mr.Fanos Leventis holds an F/B diploma from a Cypriot college (Europa College). He has attended countless seminars, conferences and specialized programs related to the industry and has presented several seminars and lectures.

He was an External Associate of KEP [Cyprus Certification Company] for HACCP- ISO 22000.

General Secretary of P.S.I.K.A. [Pancyprian Association of Leisure Centre Owners] from 1997 until today.

Vice President of the Euro-Mediterranean Restaurant Federation EMRF.

Member of the Association of Master Chefs and one of the founding members of Eurotoques.

Judge in competitions and guest for presentations and abroad at similar events. In recent years he has been a judge in various AWARDS for the selection of excellence.

Judge for the selection of a table cook for participation in the biennial EUROSKILLS competitions.

He was a member of the Tourism Advisory Committee while it was in operation and then of the Tourism Support Committee as well as a member of the Board of ETAPL Nicosia from which he voluntarily retired.

He participated in the Ambassadors in Tourism programme, as well as being appointed for a number of years by the Minister of Tourism to the CTO's Centres Committee, and at times a member of many other industry related committees.

He maintains excellent relations with all relevant and related professional associations [PASYXE, STEC, PASYDIXE, ACTA, SAK, EUROTOQUES], government agencies, State Ministry of Tourism, ASIK and other schools and universities.

He was an External Partner of ANAD for the Certification of Professional Qualifications in Food Preparation and Cooking.

He is a Certified Vocational Training Instructor - Level 5 of the Cyprus and European Qualifications Framework.

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