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Communication & Development of Quality Care of
Customer Care in the Services Sector

Program Duration: 20 hours 

The aim of this programme is to upgrade the skill level of the service and sales staff of each service provider in order to reflect the comparative quality of the service provided through communication and service techniques.

Conduct Date
They will be announced soon on our website. 
Duration of Training
20 hours
1st Meeting = 08:30 - 16:30
2nd Meeting = 08:30 - 16:00
3rd Meeting = 08:30 - 15:30
Go For It Centre Ltd. (ΔΕΚ 193) - Nicosia
Right to participate
€450 + VAT (€85.50), Grant from ANAD €240, Final cost €210 + VAT (€85.50)
Training Need

Service staff in all service businesses have an enhanced role in the performance of their work, due to the specificity of the type of "product" / service they sell. Central to this work is the protection of the customer as a competitive advantage. Central to this change is the development of the company's human resources to be coordinated to provide a superior level of service necessary for growth. Key to this effort is the continuous and effective measurement of performance to determine the criteria that will produce the desired result. The purpose of this program is to provide the appropriate communication techniques to develop skills for more efficient work while recommending adjustments needed in attitude for higher quality customer care.
Training Objectives

After completing the programme, the trainees will be able to:

Call Center Employee
At knowledge level
  1. They relate the importance of personality to team performance

  2. Choose the appropriate behaviour in order to achieve the best possible cooperation

  3. Relate their performance objectives as a key to performance development

At skills level
  1. Explain the specific needs of their customers

  2. Participate in quality service activities based on the specific needs of customers

At the attitudinal level
  1. They organise their work in a customer-oriented manner and make necessary changes/corrections where required.

  2. Perform telephone and face-to-face presentations that convey positivity

Description of candidates for participation

The seminar is aimed at service staff in the service sector such as staff of investment and insurance companies and agencies, travel agents, hotel reservation departments, restaurants that come into contact with customers, as well as newcomers to the service sector in general.

Αναφέρεται :

  • Σε όλα τα μεσαία και ανώτερα διευθυντικά στελέχη, που προΐστανται ομάδων προσωπικού.

  • Νομικούς Συμβούλους, Υπεύθυνους Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Αντιπροσώπους Διοίκησης σε Θέματα ΙSO, Αξιωματικούς και Μέλη Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας.

  • Υπεύθυνους Προσωπικών Δεδομένων DPO, Προϊσταμένους ομάδων εκτέλεσης εργασιών.

  • Σε Υπεύθυνους Τμημάτων Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, και Υπεύθυνους Λειτουργούς Ασφάλειας και Υγείας.

  • Συνδικαλιστικούς Αντιπροσώπους.

  • Μέλη Επιτροπών Ασφαλείας και Ισότητας.

Training Methods

The Programme is conducted in the form of a lecture and at the same time dialogue and discussion are encouraged. During the seminar, workshops and exercises are carried out for a better understanding of the theoretical part of the programme, examples are given and role-playing takes place. Modern audio-visual aids such as Multimedia Projector, Projection Screen, Computer, Blackboard, Markers, Graphics and Worksheets are also used for better education and training of the participants. At

Each trainee is also given/sent notes in electronic format (depending on preference) on the seminar topics.

Data Retention & Evaluation System 

The electronic attendance register used by the ANAD will be maintained and the instructor will be responsible for keeping it.

At the end of the programme, the trainees will be given an evaluation form of the programme and the trainer(s), which will also show the degree of implementation of the programme.

Trainer Description
George Natar

Mr. George Natar started his career 27 years ago as a Sales and Marketing Trainer and Consultant to small businesses. For 15 years, until 2017, he worked as an in-house trainer and compliance officer for Intermediation in a Cyprus Insurance Company. He has presented and taught for more than 9,500 hours of training on specialty topics including Insurance, Strategy, Marketing, Sales, Communication, Customer Service, Management and Leadership. He has trained and licensed (by examination) more than 630 new insurance advisors and agents. In addition to the training function, his duties and responsibilities in the insurance industry included compliance with the Brokerage Act, regulation and supervision of sales networks, and contracting with licensed advisors and agents, bank insurance companies and key account handling.

He currently works as an instructor for insurance and business programs and as a spokesperson for e-learning and digital applications.

He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Deree College - the American College of Greece and a master's degree in marketing from Salford University in Manchester, UK. He has participated as a trainer in more than 40 seminars on insurance, human capital, leadership, projects, risk management and training on reinsurance products and principles.

He is a member of the Cyprus Insurance Institute, a member of the Cyprus Human Resources Management Association (CyHRMA) and holds a certificate as an approved trainer from the Cyprus Human Resources Development Authority (HRD).

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